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COMMENTS ON FOX NEWS COVERAGE OF VIRTUAL TOWN HALL ON JUNE 6, 2024: MAGAs missed a key message in my Town Hall meeting last week: we need better civics education to get this country back on the right track. Instead they filled my social media, email, texts, and voice mail with hatred and threats. 

The NY Post likened me to Hillary Clinton! I’m honored, but I’m also concerned. I need your help. With coverage of my Town Hall Meeting on national Fox News, it’s clear that the Stefanik team is panicked. Their goal is to silence me and destroy my goal of fighting for reproductive rights, social security, veterans benefits, fair wages, immigration reform, and access to healthcare. 

I need to reach every voter in NY-21 six times between now and November 5. We will not cower in fear. We will not be silenced. 

I’m Paula Collins, a Democrat, and I’m running against Elise Stefanik.

Help me prove that elections are not decided by who raises the most money.

As I sat down to type this message to you, I received 5 new email messages and 7 new text messages, in about 10 minutes, all asking me to donate to campaigns. To be frank, I’m sick of it.

Look – I don’t want to add to the texts and emails. But I do need your help.  

We can defeat Stefanik with fewer than 30,000 votes.

This race is not un-winnable. Here’s how:

In 2020, there were 320,788 votes cast. The Democrat got 131,995.

We need 51% of the vote, or 160,400 votes. That’s fewer than 30,000 votes compared to 2020.

That’s only 37% of the combined number of registered non-Republican voters.

Your donations today could help us defeat Elise Stefanik.

I need your help to reach out to the 228,865 Independent or non-party affiliated voters in NY-21.

  • With a $5 donation, we can send out 26 Postcards.
  • With a $50 donation, we can buy 274 Door Hangers.
  • With a $250 donation, we can buy 30 Yard Signs.


Paula Collins for Congress; 441 Old State Road; De Kalb Junction, NY 13630

Or donate here.

Help me stop Stefanik! Help me end the MAGA Mania!

Democracy is on the ballot in 2024. The former president has made it clear that he will not support our NATO allies. This will destroy decades of post-war diplomacy and give even more power to the deadly regime of Vladimir Putin.

Domestically, the GOP has promised that they will continue their efforts to dismantle Social Security -- which millions of Americans rely on and paid money into (Social Security is NOT an entitlement, it is a pay-back on the money that workers paid in through payroll tax!). Additionally, the former president has promised he will remove vital protections for federal and civil service employees, and actively reduce the daily operations of our government's administrative departments.

Women's healthcare is on the ballot. A vote for the Republican ticket is a vote that says to women that the government places their abilities to reproduce above their very ability to survive a healthcare crisis. Remember: New Yorkers can vote this November for the NY Equal Rights Amendment to our state constitution. 

My Republican opponent voted against the most sweeping immigration bill our Congress had considered since the 1980s, thus leaving our Northern border at risk. Our farms, our health care providers, and our small businesses need new employees -- even those who risked their lives and who qualify for temporary work status. 

My Republican opponent voted against aid to Ukraine, meaning she would rather see Russian troops advance and destroy democratic governments in Europe and the former Soviet Union. 

My Republican opponent trounced the 1st Amendment Rights of student protestors on elite university campuses outside of her district, while ignoring the budget deficits of the public universities in her district. 

Elise Stefanik showed her true Ultra MAGA loyalties when she stood firm with the January 6th Insurrectionists who killed and injured Capitol Police. Stefanik is no friend of police and first responders. 

The small business owners, and clerks, the teachers, the country lawyers, and, most especially, the farmers need a candidate who will pass sensible immigration policies so that their communities are safe. They need their elected officials to assure them that their children are safe on the internet, and their daily life is safe from AI. They need to know that Congress is passing legislation to protect the environment, and the land, air, water, and animal rights in it. They need to get a sensible Farm Bill passed – and fast! They need to know that when they get sick, there are doctors and hospitals close, with affordable options in healthcare.

I’m Paula Collins. I'm a New York Cannabis Tax Attorney. I’m here to ask for support to become your Representative for the 21st Congressional District of the Great State of New York. 


In 2024, vote for the Democrat and Working Families Party candidate. 

Vote for Paula Collins for Congress.


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